
Posts Tagged ‘Shade’

Solar Blocker 2000 (Thanks Mike)

I have not written a practical blog in a while, but I am pleased, by our new “Solar Blocker 5000 2000″ (the name at this point is under review :)) that I thought I would.

In our awesome apartment apartment we have a massive skylight (5′ X 8′). In the winter, spring and fall it is a god send. It most definitely wards off the the Seasonal Affective Disorder in the winter when it is minus 20. in the fall, and spring with the later light we are able to eat and enjoy our kitchen space with out the use of lights. It allows us to be green as possible.

In the Summer however, it turns this little piece of heaven for most of the year, turns our little 2 bedroom into a fiery inferno. Taking matters into my own hands and with some help from, a few eyes, spindles, hooks, wire, string and  a wonder product called Reflectix.

The 7th level of hell has turned into a warm summer afternoon. So I would like to share my conversion with the rest of you.

Determining Square:


Checking one before cutting the rest of the supports:

Dry fit

Using the master to cut mark the rest for cutting:

Who needs a measuring tape?

Marking for the drill hole:

It is hard to drill on a round spindle so a flat side was cut:

Cutting a flat

A nail was put into all the the holes on one end. Then then other end holes were checked to see if they line up.

Checking for the line up.

Marking where to drill for the eyes:


Drilling the rest of the pilot holes for “Eyes”

At the end of my reach

Clipping in one side of the support wire:

Clipping the wire

Making sure the supports are evenly spaced. Layout of supports:


Finished Project:


At this point it is completely retractable, for those rainy days.

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